Monday, August 10, 2009


I have been labeled the "world's cheapest man" who couldn't care less about luxury items or even need items such as clothes, food, etc. :) But even a cheapskate like me can appreciate a Lamborghini. I'm pretty sure EVERYBODY thinks Lamborghini's are freaking awesome; so this past weekend was a pretty fun random experience.
We went to Bear Lake for the weekend for Rachel's family reunion. On the drive home Sunday morning from Bear Lake to Logan is about a 40 mile winding canyon (aka Logan Canyon). It takes about an hour to get through because of the steep grades and turns. Right as I come over the summit from Bear Lake to start heading down the canyon I see coming up the road a freaking Lamborghini! It is hauling up the canyon road with ease and eventually ZOOMS! by me. (Yes, it made that ZOOM! sound as it passed as they all do. My Civic just doesn't do that). Funny thing was, I couldn't even see until it was right upon me but there was a second Lamborghini right behind it! The exact same car! Obviously they were together and must have been headed somewhere. I figured they probably even had the same owner because it's freaking rare to see 1 Lamborghini on a random road in the middle of nowhere, let alone two.
So I was now in a good mood, I just saw an awesome car ZOOM! (yes, once again the ZOOM! factor) by me and ended up getting two for the price of one. Next thing I know I see ANOTHER one coming up the road. What is this? 3 in one day on the same road!?!? Something is up but I am pumped! The weird thing is they were all the exact same car. Clearly different years and different colors, but from what I could see they were the exact same model of Lamborghini.
So I'm five minutes into my drive down the canyon and I've seen 3 Lamborhinis, which is more than I've probably seen live in my lifetime to this point. I get to the next turn and 4 in a row come screaming around the corner. These things are hauling in the opposite direction and I feel like I'm front row to a NASCAR-type race as they zoom by, only it's NASCAR Lamborghini style. It is incredible to see them blow by as they haul up the canyon with ease.
Well suddenly I'm up to 7 and now I'm just expecting it. . . and the goods just kept on coming. Pretty much every turn the whole way down the canyon we saw another, and another, then a couple at a time, then a few at a time. All in all we saw 31 Lamborghini's while in the canyon, and every one of them was probably worth more than my life.
Obviously they were all headed up somewhere together; since they were going the opposite direction and Lamborghini's don't have license plates on the front I didn't see the plates for any of them, but if I had to take a guess I wouldn't have guessed there were even 30 owners of these cars in Utah! Maybe Ferrari, Lotus, Mazerati, etc. all combined, but not the exact same car. Whatever it was, I'm pretty sure I'll never be on a random back road in Utah again and see a few million dollars worth of sweet cars pass me by like that. It made for a good drive home.


Kiley Newbold said...

I had almost the exact same experience, except in Park City. I rolled down the windows and basked in the glory as about 30 Lamborghini's passed me. I even tried to rev my engine at one of them to make him go faster, but I couldn't even hear it rev over his, so I am pretty sure he had no idea.

Side note--remember that time we were on a double date and you tried to race a bullet bike with your civic. Good times.

Brad said...

Awesome... I would have loved to see it myself! An old Lamborghini Countach came through the auto auction the other day and it was quite the attention getter. Cool car to be sure.... although I think I like a nice Corvette more... because it's actually attainable in this lifetime... Owning a Corvette is akin to landing a date with the head cheerleader in high school... whereas owning a Lamborghini or Ferrari is more like landing a date with a supermodel or actress... not ever worth dreaming about!

By the way.... just finished Outliers... GREAT BOOK... couldn't put it down!