Saturday, December 13, 2008

Awkward . . . In My Mind

Do you ever get stuck in hallways in that awkward position where you are walking right behind somebody? So close that you want to pass them, but you're close to your destination so you'd end up cutting them off after pulling the pass?

So I'm at work this week heading to the restroom. In the hall a guy and girl are talking, standing across the hall from each other. Normal move is to pass right through, correct? Well, right as I hit the "pass through" point, they break off the conversation and the girl starts walking RIGHT in front of me. The problem is, now I'm so close to the restroom (up ahead on the right-hand side of the hallway) that I can't really pull a pass because I'd either cut her off to go in or just have to let her re-pass to go in. So I'm literally right behind this girl as she takes these few steps; I'm feeling so awkward that I'm dying to duck into the restroom as soon as possible because I'm sure she can sense me hovering right behind her. One more step before I can duck into the restroom, and suddenly she banks right, turns the handle, and ducks into the men's restroom!! What. . . just. . . happened?! Now I'm in a super-awkward position! Obviously I can't follow her right in, I have to freeze right there and wait it out until she realizes what she did and comes back out with the sheepish, embarassment grin on her face, right? The thing is, there isn't another door along this hallway for a long stretch; she didn't just turn in one door too early. What was she doing?

After waiting for what seemed like an eternity (ok, it was probably just a few seconds) she just comes right back out and continues on her way down the hall. No embarassed look, just confident as could be cruising down the hall. I double check the sign on the door for "Men" and head in about my business.

Here's the kicker, what I just wrote did not happen. Ha! Nope I just made that whole thing up! Well, just the girl heading into the bathroom part. I did endure the awkward, caught-right-behind-in-the-hallway walk and the girl was walking so freaking slow and close to the wall that I couldn't help but suddenly think, "This girl is going to duck into the men's bathroom!" Then I started thinking of what I would do if she did duck into the bathroom (Answer: Stand there in awkward shock until she came out with an embarassed look on her face). Then I started thinking, "Why am I even thinking about this?" Then I was cursing myself out in the bathroom for even thinking up something so A) stupid, and B) crazy. Do other people have crazy moments like this? Or am I just a big weirdo? I hope the former.


Aaron said...

What the.....that was really weird.

Dr. Lordeslupe said...

Totally random dude!!

Kiley Newbold said...


I love your blog. And I am totally with you on this. I constantly play out situations like this in my mind.

Hope all is well my friend!