Monday, December 22, 2008

not that there is anything wrong with that. . .

I received a "wall message" on Facebook from Brady Kerr today. Brady is the younger brother of one of my best friends, Trevor. What did Brady write? He reminded me of one of my all-time classic quotes. In Trevor's yearbook our senior year I wrote the following, "I will always remember our long chats in bed after a long night of dancing!" Trevor took the yearbook home, his brother Brady got a hold of it and started reading through all the messages his friends wrote, then stopped dead when he read my message. "Is your friend gay?" I can only imagine the discomfort of reading that type of message in your brother's yearbook.

Point #1: During high school Trevor slept over at my house every weekend night, automatic. He had a curfew but if he slept over at somebody's house the curfew obviously didn't apply; so he slept over at my house on the weekends. I remember even multiple weekend nights where we didn't even hang out but he'd come over at the end of the night.

Point #2: I had a bigger bed in my room and nothing else to offer besides the floor, so we slept in the same bed. I was usually crushed up against the wall and he was on the other edge of the bed. Separate blankets, plenty of distance. No need for concern here.

Point #3: All of us boys often went out to whatever dances or dance clubs we could get into on the weekends. Very little "dancing" occurred, more just weak attempts in our endless quest to meet girls.

So on a usual weekend night in high school, the boys and I would head out to find some dance, try to hit on girls until the wee hours of the morning, and after we all went home for the night Trevor would obviously end up at my house, at which we'd be talking for a long time before we actually fell asleep. All innocent enough, right?

All of this defense of course brings me back to the question, "What were you thinking?" Had I maybe reread the quote or thought it through before I wrote it out, I probably wouldn't be making a public defense about it nearly 10 years later.

totally heterosexual


Aaron said...

I think you are gay. Ask Rachel, she will agree with me.

brady and ligia said...

Just hope that your son never reads this. Totally QUEER.

stef j. said...

don't lie, just move to california.

Spencer said...

I'd have made T-bone sleep on the floor.

Dr. Lordeslupe said...

Oh Brandon. I always thought you were a black man trapped in your extremely attractive body. But now I see that you have many trappings inside your buff bod. Your quest to be Tiger Woods, Beckham, Karl Malone, every BYU football player, Bill Gates, Gordon B.Hinkley,Snoop Dogg ( the mormon) and now Ellen Degeneres. WOW! At least Rach can say that you sensual life is never boring.

Jeff and Brandi said...

Never a dull read on Balltrain Live. Always random and apparently sometimes very gay, but never dull.