Monday, November 12, 2007

Book of Mormon Word Change

I read in every paper and saw on all newscasts over this past weekend stories on the "uproar" over a change in wording in the introduction page to the Book of Mormon. Instead of calling the Lamanites the principal ancestors of the American Indians it now reads that the Lamanites are among the ancestors of the American Indians. Supposedly this is a huge deal that proves the Book of Mormon is not true! One story said researchers have proved American Indians do not have a history of Hebrew blood which proves they are not descendants of Lehi. My reaction to all of this? A big So What?! We are talking about the introduction to the Book of Mormon written by Bruce R McConkie not anything in the actual scripture itself. In fact, even if it was in the actual scripture itself (correct me if I'm wrong somebody but I believe wording in the Book of Mormon itself has even been changed before) I don' t care. Two reasons 1) the whole purpose of the BoM is built on testimony of Jesus Christ and the veracity that he visited the American continent 2) I'm pretty sure that anybody who studies the Book of Mormon or reads Mormon Authors such as Hugh Nibley feel that the Lamanites/Nephites etc resided principally in Central and South America not the United States. I personally THINK (i emphasize think because it's just an opinion and has no bearing on anybody's salvation so it's really not that important) that the final stages of the battles between Mormon/Moroni's army and the Lamanites gradually reached a migration up to the New York area and the Hill Cumorah but I don't feel that was where they had lived their whole lives.

I was surprised at the attention this trivial story received over the weekend so I wanted to comment on it. Those who want it to be false will always have ammunition and those who know it to be true will remain unaffected by a 1 word change in a part that isn't even part of the actual scripture.

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