Tuesday, October 23, 2007

BYU Competitive? No Way

So I'm finishing up another endless night of the graveyard shift and I've been working on a couple assignments all night long so I'm spent. With my current mood towards BYU I thought I would take some time to comment on some recent reports that BYU graduate students are rated the most competitive in the country (I can't remember if it was US News or WSJ or who but not important). I had a teacher ask what we thought about that and if it was true. They judge competitiveness on how much time you spend doing homework, at the library, how important a grade is to you, etc. I definitely agree noting that I haven't met anyone in my program to whom BYU is not their absolute #1 priority. Rachel would agree with me and she hates BYU because of it. I'm 2 months away from the end but it has been one hell of a ride because they suck so much out of you. I can't make too many assumptions since I didn't attend a different university so I don't know any different, but I feel safe stating that BYU expects you to not work at all while you're a student and somehow come out the end with little or no debt. We've lived above a student-level lifestyle for over 2 years now but I don't even see how those who rent apartments and live off virtually nothing make it. I know for myself and many of my peers I give no second thought to staying up all night and killing myself over a regular ho-hum assignment, not to mention some type of major project or test.

I've tried to calm down this semester but I find I'm still doing all the work and spending just as much time on everything, I'm just not as focused and that is where my B grade will come in instead of an A for most classes this final semester. It just blows my mind repeatedly that school can be so intense. BYU fell from the top spot of "most family friendly" which I would argue it shouldn't even be up there at all. That's just my experience and like I said I don't know any different. Maybe I'm just ready to be done after 5 years and after a long night of slaving away at 2 regular assignments you start to go crazy.

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